its hard to see beyond the
landscape, its right there, in your face. you feel obliged to reflect
that, its vastness, its isolation. yet i wonder looking and thinking
back to the west, how much does the landscape come to define the people
of the mind scape of the people. for whom it is an everyday
backdrop to their lives?
i shot these i wanted to distance myself from the view, try to imply a
feeling rather than the 'terrible' beauty of the landscape overwhelm
our sense's and lead to a idea of understanding. that of a rugged
landscape, a hardy people, emotionally isolated from each other.. an
outsider looking in and reading what he/she wants to see.
all have the landscapes that surround us from where we grew up. how
much of these come to define us, or come to define our notion of home,
the familiar, the other, the strange the exotic.
G. McManus