The following post represent a beginning for myself in terms of a series of images around the sytock of images i have gathered over the course of six years. The images derive from the photograph print or negative. I place the image in the centre of the frame and then expand the edges of the image into the surrounding frame. Along with these images i ahve also been painting over various images from media sources, magazines, newspapers, illustrated books. The intention began with a want to use the paint to isolate subjects in the image. However as i began using the acyrilic paint i realise that it was difficult to control the edges of the paint, so i unintentionally began to build up a layer over the image. This led to a expanding out of the edges of the frame, in a way the imagined edge of the images began to dominate the subject...
in effect an imagined representation is constructed from the seed of an indexically grounded image.. what does this mean, Im not too sure.. i think im trying to get back to the 'me' in the image. isolating and exploding the reality of the photographic....
i want mostly not to claim any identity as painter,
i can ignore any notion of photographer,
i just want to understand my own mind,
as best i can..