These images are the beginning of the possible edit of the upcoming book for the exhibition in June. These images of the backs of the family photos, along with the text describing the image, represent both a refusal to add to a collective memory (as constructed by photographic imagery) and a meditation on the distance between lived experience and the representations we make. in trying to unearth the memory of my father, the photographs i constructed revealed the inability of photography to reveal the individual.
The importance of these images is in their refusal to show, the refusal to add to collective memory. The importance of the realisation that his memories exist not are mere representational forms but as part my own experience and thus part of myself.
'A photograph passes for incontroveritible proof that agiven thing happened. The picture may distort: but there is always a presumption that something exists or did exist,'
Susan Sontag, On Photography
The possibility of truth?