Friday, October 16, 2009

the worlds through the eyes of google

children in china discover the wonders of the world that google can open up to them..

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

hardworkingclasshero or better known to it friends as HWCH

i always believe that the working classes were lazy scum..

those upon which we were to pity..

now i am informed that these HWCH are actually all into music and photography and shit..
little did i know , i just taught they were all out on the dole queue while some college graduates stole their idenity to get ahead in the biz..

i stand corrected..

google changes logo to barcode....

so evil corporation celebrates the 60th anniversary of the barcode..
there is something slightly strange that a company who has such a vested interest in the distribution of information, see the barcode as an object to celebrated..

i for one believe the barcode to a far more truer image for google to present itself through..
maybe the change will be permanent...

for the moment i will stick to using bing..