Sunday, November 23, 2008


after an extended break from the word of the photographic, and an absence from a certain graduation, i am beginning to come back to the work that i have left for the last six months. i have been working as an electrical apprentice, a job i could never have seen myself in, but desperate time, anyway its a good job, i work hard all day and come home tired in the evening.

i am though reinvigourated with a new found sense of purpose, a pupose that is resolved around the belief that the work i make from this point is work i create for myself about myself, no more half veiled refeerences to the social or the political, to the material or the emphereral.. work that is born out of lived experience that is only constructed as a means to understand that which is ini front of me..

anyway the work is kinda of shit, but my shit so not to worry, i intend to begin making a daily record of the image of m,y hands accompanied by a brief description of the moment of the images construction, the initention is not really important... recording the physical impact of everyday upon my hands...

also recently have had a friend of mine ask me for an image from the catalougue of buried negatives for a cover of an EP he is putting together, a good boost....

talk soon..
as soon as i get a day off